Sunday, July 27, 2014



  1. So beautifully written, Angie. It can be so hard to be vulnerable when we don't know what kind of pain lies around the corner. While we need to be cautious and guard our hearts, God will bless you for the efforts you make in your friendships. God bless you today!

  2. Oh Angie, you wrote again! You gave us a glimpse into your heart and it's beautiful! not the fluffy cloud kind of beautiful OR the easy kind of beautiful, but the aching yet healing hand-of-God kind of beautiful.

    I am blessed to know you. You are in my prayers today.

  3. Angie I just wanted to stop by today and say you are wonderfully made by our creator. We stand on his promises and his promises alone. Praying for you and all the ladies from "Thee Angel Project". Your in my daily thoughts and prayers!

  4. Good morning my dear sister. Thank you for sharing your heart. We all found our vulnerable ness - the extrovert with her loud laugh and the introvert with her shy smile. You have opened your heart and let us in. We together have waves of doubt and wind of fear. He who hold your hand understands - he understands you. Christ in you -the place your heart never beats alone.

  5. So transparent and real. I applaud your courage to share what is on your heart. Beautiful post! You're right, we are never alone.

  6. "His grace is sufficient." We too often forget that. Thank you for the reminder! Angie, this post is beautifully written! I am so glad you put your thoughts down here! Thank you for trusting your readers enough to do that. Prayers for peace and joy in your journey.

  7. Hi Angie! Love what you share. The word of God is our only truth and refuge from the enemy. The book of psalms has and it is a great comfort for me in times of trials. Thanks for sharing. Stopping by The angel project.

  8. Missing you writing some more! Hope you're ok. Praying for you! Michelle (Thee Angel Project)

  9. Thank you ladies. This is the one spot I feel comfortable sharing and I am so comforted by your words of encouragement and support. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for stopping and reading my posts. I am blessed by your words as well.
    (I apologize completely for my lateness in responding and not individually at that. I have been experiencing some technical difficulties with internet at home...)
