Thursday, August 21, 2014

To my Beautiful Pre-Teen Daughter

I see you.  And when I look at you, I see myself.  I see the same emotions clouding your thoughts.  I see the same reactions to life.  I see the same desires to do more, better, higher, faster.  I see kindness, love, faith, grace and Jesus' love.

 I see you.  I see you for who you are and who you want to be.  I see you grasping and reaching; gaining strength and knowledge, expanding your love for the Lord.  I see you maturing before my very eyes.  But young lady, don't be in too big of a hurry to grow up because time won't stop when you want it to.

 I see you.  Growing before my eyes.  I see the beautiful woman you will be, inside and out.  I see the lovely young lady you already are.  I see you and I love you.

 My dearest daughter, I see you.  I see all that lies before you.  The traps, the lies, the hurt.  The beauty, the truth, the joy.  It’s there.  All of it.  And I want you to experience all of it because it will define you and mold you and make you into the  person that God intends you to be.  The mother in me wants to keep all the bad and ugly away, but I know it will find you anyway.  And I know you can rise to the occasion and find your strength through God and fight through it with Him.

It’s ok to cry, to be upset, to be angry.  It’s equally ok to laugh, to feel joy and be happy.  Don’t allow others to give you permission to feel one way or another.  Think for yourself and express your opinions.  But that does not give you permission to be rude and bossy!  Good manners are always in style.

You are a fighter.  I can see that already in our power struggles.  You want to be right.  You need it.  You have a plan and everything needs to come together.  Perfection is divine.  But lovely daughter, there is only One who is perfect and though you were made in His likeness, it is not you.  Plan for excellence but expect less than perfect.  Don’t let the fallout define you.  Deal with the emotions, don’t suppress them.  Don’t let them rule you.  I speak from experience here.  Not just as your mother.

In our struggles of mother and daughter, always remember that I am the mom.  God has grown me into who I am just so that I can BE your mother.  He’s not done with either of us yet.  There will be ups and downs along the way, but sweet daughter, I pray more ups than downs.  I also pray that He will give me clarity, patience and knowledge of how best to nurture you as one of His children and one of mine.

Please continue to bless this sweet daughter of mine with your eternal presence.  Fill her with knowledge, patience and peace in this ever changing world.  Grow us together in love and continue to blossom our relationship.  Open our eyes and our hearts and show us your way, your plan and your love and help us to accept it if it is not our own.  And Lord, please limit those power struggles between us, instead, help us to find words to communicate and express our concerns with each other and the world.  In your name I pray.  Amen



  1. I love this Angie! It echoes many of the prayers in my heart as well. It is so hard and wonderful at the same time- to see the things we have in common, to think about what might be ahead. May God uphold us - moms and daughters!

    PS I hope you shared this with her :)

    1. Thank you Emily. Yes I did share with her. She loved it! And yes! May God uphold us!!!

  2. What a beautiful open letter to your daughter and all the daughters out there. I'm glad you shared it with her. Now take it and write it in long hand so you can give it to her when she has her daughter. Imagine the blessing your words will echo. Put it in the safety deposit box because it is that valuable. Your voice facing the future - your voice for the Living God - Priceless.

    1. What a great idea Chris! Thank you for your kind words.

  3. I too have a pre-teen and yes to so much of this. Many prayers are said, both those spoken and unspoken, for what feels like such a fragile time for our girls. Beautifully written!

    1. Thank you so much for your kind words. It feels like a fragile time for me as well! Many prayers for you too!

  4. This is beautifully written. I wish my mother had left me any note to remember her by. Your daughter will be so happy to have this note later in life.

    1. Thank you for your kind words. I can remember my mom writing me a note when I turned 20. I still have it and read it from time to time.

  5. What a beautiful letter! I agree with the other comments, definitely give her this to have later in life. Very special!

    1. Thank you! I plan to make it special for her. She has an electronic copy, but that's not the same as long hand. It just makes it more meaningful.
